Frequently Asked Questions

Whole Body Cryo

Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) is a cutting-edge wellness therapeutic technique that involves 3 minutes exposure to extreme cold temperatures, typically ranging from -120 to - 190 degrees Fahrenheit. WBC triggers various physiological responses, including vasoconstriction and vasodilation, offering benefits such as reduced inflammation, alleviation of muscle soreness and pain, accelerated recovery from injuries, increased energy levels, and an overall sense of well-being.


  • Reduced Inflammation, Soreness and Pain

  • Muscle Recovery and Improved Joint Function

  • Enhanced Athletic Performance

  • Increased Energy and Well-Being.

  • Yes, for most people. Not recommended for people with cardiovascular issues. If you have a medical disease/condition or concerns you should consult your/a doctor.

  • We will provide you with gloves, thermal socks and shoes which you must wear. Shorts, bathing suits or underwear are required. Sport bra recommended (no underwire). You want as much skin as possible exposed.

  • Session is 3 minutes in the chamber. You may stop the session at anytime if you feel the need to do so. The tech will attempt to help coach/distract you and you can request a motivational song to help you get thru the session. Full appointment 10-15 minutes.

  • The frequency of sessions can vary based on individual goals and needs. For best results it is recommended to incorporate it into a regular wellness routing.

  • You don’t have to wait to do cryotherapy after your workout or after you are feeling sore. You can do cryotherapy anytime and recommended to do as a regiment. A lot of athletes actually do cryotherapy before workouts, games or events to help them recharge/energize and perform better.

Infrared Sauna

The infrared sauna utilizes infrared panels to produce heat, providing a unique and soothing sauna experience. Unlike traditional saunas, infrared saunas directly warm the body, promoting perspiration, improved relaxation, detoxification, relief from muscle aches/joint pain and increased circulation. Individuals sit or lie inside the sauna, surrounded by infrared panels that emit radiant heat. The heat penetrates the skin more deeply than traditional saunas, reaching the muscles and tissues. Infrared saunas operate at lower temperatures (typically around 110 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit). The experience is often described as more comfortable, tolerable and less intense than traditional steam or hot coal saunas, appealing to individuals who may find high temperatures challenging. Our private rooms provide a peaceful and relaxing setting great for solo time or bonding with a friend without the awkward intrusion, disruption or distraction of other members/strangers. 


  • Relaxation and Detox

  • Enhanced Circulation and can Help Lower Blood Pressure

  • Muscle Recovery and Decreased Joint Pain

  • Serentiy Private Room

  • Yes, in general for most people. Clients should be well hydrated. If you have a medical disease/condition or concerns consult your/a doctor.

  • Shorts, bathing suits or gym attire. You will be in a private room. No nudity allowed.

Cryo Sculpting

Cryo sculpting, aka cryolipolysis or fat freezing, is a non-invasive body contouring procedure designed to reduce localized pockets of stubborn fat. The process involves application of extremely cold temperatures to freeze and break down fat cells without damaging surrounding tissues. This technology induces apoptosis, a natural cell death process, in the fat cells, leading to a gradual reduction in the fat layer. Over the following weeks, the body naturally eliminates the crystallized fat cells through its lymphatic system and metabolic processes. Cryo sculpting is often chosen as an alternative to surgical procedures like liposuction, offering a non-surgical, non-intrusive option for individuals seeking body contouring with no downtime. While results will vary, many individuals report a visible reduction in fat bulges and an improved, more sculpted appearance with over time. NO COFFEE 4 hours prior to treatment.


  • Non-Invasive, No downtime

  • Targeted fat reduction, Customized Treatment Area

  • Natural Looking Results, Long Lasting Effects

  • Improved Confidence and Body Image

  • FDA Approved and Safe

  • Complementary to a Healthy Lifestyle

  • Yes, cryo sculpting is generally considered safe. It is non- invasive procedure with minimal risks, and the technology has been approved by regulatory authorities to be applied by professionally trained personnel.

  • Yes, the fat cells targeted and eliminated during cryo sculpting do not regenerate. However, maintain a healthy lifestyle is essential to prevent growth of remaining fat cells.

  • A typical cryo sculpting session lasts about 20-40 minutes depending on treatment area. Multiple treatment area will take longer.

  • Yes. We recommend you combine Infrared sauna and or compression therapy to help stimulate your lymphatic system.

Cryo Facials

The cryo facial aka “Frotox” is a skincare treatment that harnesses the benefits of cryotherapy to rejuvenate and invigorate the face/skin. Cryo facials, uses extreme cold temperatures applied to the face using a specialized process and device. This therapeutic cold exposure offers various skincare benefits to reduce wrinkles, reduce inflammation/acne, tighten skin including the neck. The cold temperature prompts vasoconstriction, followed by vasodilation, promoting better circulation and oxygenation to the facial tissues. This process contributes to a refreshed and revitalized complexion. Cryo facials are generally well-tolerated and quick, with sessions typically lasting around 15 to 20 minutes.


  • Reduced Puffiness and Inflammation

  • Reduced Wrinkles/Fine Lines, Crows feet 

  • Enhanced Collagen Production.

  • Skin Tightening/”Turkey Neck”, Diminishes Pores

  • No. Because the process is different it can be uncomfortable for some but not painful.

  • About 15-25 minutes

  • Treatment plans vary. We recommend weekly or bi-weekly to treat. Depending on condition and age we recommend bi-weekly to monthly for maintenance.

  • Yes. We highly recommend combining it with our LED facial as the are both holistic. We do not recommend combining with any other treatment.

  • Results will vary but many can see some results after just a few sessions.

Local Cryo 

Localized cryotherapy, aka "spot" or "targeted" cryotherapy, is a technique that involves applying extremely cold temperatures to specific areas of the body. During a localized cryotherapy session, a controlled stream of cold air is directed at a specific body part, typically an area experiencing pain, inflammation, or injury. This targeted application induce vasoconstriction, reducing blood flow to the treated area helping alleviate pain and inflammation. Localized cryotherapy is often used for injuries, muscle soreness, joint pain, and conditions like tendonitis. It offers a more precise, deeper and efficient way to address specific areas of concern without subjecting the entire body to extreme cold temperatures. The sessions are relatively short, typically lasting a few minutes, and can be repeated as needed based on individual goals and responses.


  • Targeted Pain Relief, Reduced Inflammation and Swelling

  • Localized Injury Treatment

  • Improved Joint Functions and Muscle Recovery

  • Accelerated and Minimized Recovery Time

  • Yes. Results vary but generally most clients get some immediate relief.

  • Any and all areas ie back, knees, shoulder, ankles etc can be treated. Must have direct access to skin of treatment area.

  • Yes, you can combine Local cryo with others service to improve your overall treatment, Whole Body Cryo, Infrared Sauna, LED therapy and Compression Therapy are some popular combinations.

  • Localized can be done on the same area as much as once a day as needed.

Salt Therapy

Salt therapy, also known as halotherapy, is a natural and non-invasive wellness practice that involves spending time in a salt booth to inhale microparticles of pharmaceutical-grade salt. This therapeutic method is inspired by the reputed benefits of spending time in salt caves, where the air is naturally rich in salt particles. During a salt therapy session, individuals typically relax in a specially booth infused with finely ground salt particles, created using a halogenerator. As the person breathes in the salt-infused air the microscopic salt particles have various potential benefits for respiratory and skin conditions. Salt Therapy can be combined with low heat Infrared Sauna.


  • Respiratory Health, alleviates congestion, helps asthma, allergies, sinusitis

  • Helps with Skin Conditions such as Psoriasis, Eczema and Acne

  • Promotes Detoxification, Relaxation and Stress Reduction

  • Antibacterial helps build Immune System and Improve Sleep

  • In general, Yes. However, people with certain respiratory conditions or other health concerns should consult their/a doctor.

  • Sessions are 30 minutes

  • For skin treatments shorts or bathing suit are ideal. Clients should dress comfortable with as much skin exposed for optimal results. Privat Room. We recommend bringing a change of clothes No Nudity.

  • Frequency depends on the severity and condition you are treating. In general it is recommended to do 2-4 times sessions a week.

LED Therapy Facial

LED therapy, or light-emitting diode therapy, is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes specific wavelengths of light to address various concerns. Treatments are localized, non-invasive and option include an Acne, Wrinkles and Pain Management setting. This therapeutic technique harnesses the power of light to stimulate cellular activity, promoting healing, collagen production, and overall skin rejuvenation. LED therapy is considered a safe and well-tolerated option for various skincare concerns. LED facial paired with our Cryo Facials offer the best results. Lunch time facial as treatment time is 30 minutes.


  • Targeted Wavelength Specificity Near-Infrared Light

  • Multiple options include red, blue, near infrared 

  • Anti-Aging, Collagen Stimulation, Reduced Inflammation

  • Quick, Painless, Non-Thermal, Non-Invasive and No downtime.

  • Yes, LED is generally considered safe. However, individuals with certain photosensitivity should consult a healthcare professional.

  • No, LED therapy is painless and does not produce heat.

  • Yes, We highly recommend for combining our Cryo Facials and LED Facial for best overall results.

  • A session is 30 minutes

Peripheral Neuropathy Therapy

The LED Lightpad is an Infrared and Red light device that uses (UV non-visible spectrum) that is used to promote healing and provide pain relief while increasing blood flow to the area being treated. It’s designed to be easily applied to the feet, leg, hands, and arms. It will also help provide relaxation of muscles and relief of symptoms of neuropathy, planta fascia, arthritis, muscle spasms. Made of a soft neoprene material, the device is flexible and made to conform to the shape of the body part that it is being treated. The duration of treatment time is 20 minute. In office treatments are paired with compression therapy.


  • Increased circulation and blood flow

  • Decreased pain, swelling and Inflammation

  • Nerve repair and regeneration.

  • Yes, the device is FDA registered and generally safe for most people. Extreme conditions should consult with their doctor.

  • No, not that is noticeable.

  • This will vary depending on your issues and conditions. We recommend a daily or twice a day treatment usually 8-12 weeks. We will work with client to create a personal treatment plan for you. The Light pad can be purchased for home use.

Compression Therapy

Compression therapy is an approach that involves the application of controlled pressure to specific areas of the body using compression garments. The primary goal of compression therapy is to improve blood circulation and reduce swelling. This technique is commonly employed to address conditions associated with fatigue, poor blood flow, edema and varicose veins. By aiding venous return and promoting better circulation, compression therapy can alleviate symptoms, prevent complications and support overall vascular health. The choice of compression attachments include boots (legs), hip and arms. The pressure level depends on the individual and desired comfort. 


  • Improved Blood Circulation, Reduced Swelling (Edema)

  • Reduced Fatigue and Discomfort.

  • Improved Athletic Performance and Recovery

  • Enhanced Lymphatic Drainage.

  • Support during Pregnancy and Post Surgical.

  • Management of Varicose Veins and Deep Vein Thrombosis.

  • Yes, there are different levels and the correct level is based on client’s comfort.

  • Yes, Compression Therapy is often recommended to pregnant women to help reduce swelling.

  • Yes, athletes often use compression therapy to enhance performance and recover?

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a hands-on therapeutic practice that involves manipulating the soft tissues to promote health and well-being. Our therapist uses a variety of techniques applying pressure to muscles and other soft tissues, with the goal of enhancing circulation, reducing muscle tension, and promoting relaxation. Treatments extends beyond relaxation, to address specific health conditions, such as back pain, headaches, and sports injuries, or as part of a broader wellness and self-care regimen. Additionally, massage therapy can improve flexibility, range of motion, and overall physical and mental well-being. Therapists, tailor their techniques to the individual needs and preferences of clients, ensuring a personalized and effective treatment experience.


  • Muscle Relaxation, Stress Reduction, Pain relief

  • Improved Circulation, Increased Energy

  • Improved Mood, Better Sleep

  • Boosted Immune System

  • Mind-Body Connection

  • All of our massages are custom Swedish type to the client’s interest. Deep Tissue, Aromatherapy, Kinetic Tape are available add ons.

  • We offer a 45-, 60-, 90- or 120-minute massages.

  • Yes you can. One thing that sets us apart is the unique combination of services we can offer. Infrared Sauna, Salt Therapy and Dry Float are some popular combination with massage.

  • The frequency of massage depends on you and your condition.

  • Yes, massage spa package are a popular self-care day choice. Our membership offers the best value.

Dry Float Therapy

Dry float therapy, is a new relaxation technique that involves lying on a specialized dry flotation bed without the use of water. Unlike traditional flotation therapy, dry float therapy allows for a weightless and deeply relaxing experience in a dry environment. Individuals lie on a membrane and are lowered into a tank of warm water that conforms to the shape of their body, providing support and relieving pressure points. The surface is designed to mimic the sensation of floating on water, creating a feeling of weightlessness. This experience can induce a profound sense of relaxation and mental calmness leading to a deep “Power Nap”. The dry float bed is located in our “Sleep Room” and uses in combination with warmth to enhance the therapeutic effects. Headphones with 6 natural sounds are available and incorporated with LED soothing lighting to create a multisensory experience that promotes relaxation and stress reduction. It's important to note that while dry float therapy shares the goal of relaxation with traditional flotation therapy, the absence of water distinguishes it as a unique and dry sensory experience. 


  • Relaxation and Stress Reduction

  • Improved Sleep Quality, Mental Clarity and Focus.

  • Elevated Mood and Well-Being

  • Promotion of Mind-Body Connection

  • While both share the goal of inducing relaxation, dry float allows individuals to experience the sensation of floating without getting wet.

  • Most people wear comfortable athletic clothing or swimwear during a dry floatation session. You are in a private room.

Red Light Therapy - Panel

Red light therapy, aka low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or photo biomodulation (PBM), is a non-invasive therapeutic technique that utilizes specific wavelengths of red light to stimulate cellular function and promote healing. The red light penetrates the skin and is absorbed by the cells, triggering a series of biological reactions. This therapy enhances cellular energy production, improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation promoting tissue repair and regeneration. Red light therapy benefits in various applications, including skin health, wound healing, pain management, and muscle recovery.  


  • Enhanced Cellular Energy

  • Improved Skin Health, muscle recovery and mood

  • Pain Relief, Reduced Inflammation

  • Improved Circulation, neuroprotective effects and sleep

  • Red light therapy stimulates cellular activity by enhancing mitochondrial function. This promotes the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), leading to improved cell repair, collagen synthesis, and other skin-related benefits.

  • Yes, red light therapy has shown promise in reducing pain and inflammation. It is often used for conditions like arthritis, muscle soreness, and joint pain.

  • Red light therapy helps with muscle recovery and circulation. It may help improve skin health promoting collagen production and accelerating wound healing. It's also used for conditions like acne, psoriasis, and dermatitis.